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Thursday, February 2, 2012

FrontierVille Third Kid Goals: Everything you need to know

FrontierVille Babies
And here you thought it stopped at two. Oh, no pioneers. Zynga is taking this all the way to six kids in FrontierVille, so we want to help get you there with some tips and information on how to make these deliveries as painless a process as possible. Well, at least for you--we can't speak for the misses.

Check after the break for more details on all four missions in the series.
Rocking HorseWith a third baby, you're going to have to up the ante with these Goals. Essentially, these tasks are just increased amounts of the ones before with a few twists. So, let us help you get this baby into the world safely.

Oh Baby?:
-Get 15 Baby Names (request from friends)
-Have 70 Cloth (visit a lot of friends' homesteads)
-Feed 40 Sheep

All in all, this first Goal is going to take even the most hardcore players more than one day. But at least sending your friends some Baby Names generates one for you too helps a bit, right?

Kids are People Too!:
-Have two Cherry Candies (harvest Cherry Trees for this Collection item)
-Have two Peach Candies (harvest Peach Trees for this Collection item)
-Buy three Lunches from the Market

Again, this is more of same... much more. Lunches will benefit you anyway, so don't fret about spending the Food.

Babies Love Goat Milk!:
-Accept Help from three Neighbors
-Have two Goat's Milk (Harvest Goats for this Collection item)
-Have 400 Wood

This will require a bit more finesse as it asks that your friends help out, which is something you don't necessarily have control over. Getting some Goat's Milk is easy enough, but acquiring 400 Wood is going to take lots of Energy over probably at least two days.

The Blessed Event!:
-Harvest 20 Cabbage
-Have two Cribs inside the Barn
-Buy a Rocking Horse at the Market (pictured)

You should already have two Cribs from the first Kid Goals, but harvesting the Cabbage will take some time. We recommend just begin harvesting in Part III, so that when you reach this Goal you'll already have the Cabbage ready to go. As for the Rocking Horse, we think you got this. Completing these Goals will finally reward you with a third little one to roam the homestead. Just revel in this a little before you jump right into the fourth one, OK?

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