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Friday, January 6, 2012

Earn 2 free FarmVille Farm Cash in Oreo promotion

Back in January, we saw Zynga partnering with Nabisco to offer two free Farm Cash to users who participated in an Oreo DSRL promotion, and now, thanks to the folks at FarmVille Feed, we've learned that Oreo is back again, offering another two free Farm Cash to farmers.

This new promotion, as usual, can be spotted underneath the FarmVille gameplay area. If the promotion is currently active on your account (remember, you may have other incomplete promotions that are blocking this one from view), you'll be able to click on the Sponsored Link [pictured] and take part in a short activity where you'll share your family's favorite Oreo and milk moment "with the world."

Completing this short step will see you earning two free Farm Cash that should be added to your overall total automatically. If you don't see it, a quick refresh of the game should force your Farm Cash total to update, where you'll be two Farm Cash richer!

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