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Monday, December 12, 2011

Earn 3 FarmVille Farm Cash in Dr. Oz Show promotion

With all of the Halloween decorations and limited edition animals released in FarmVille recently, I wouldn't be surprised if your virtual (and real-world) wallets were hurting from all of the spending. In order to help ease the pain a bit, Zynga has launched a cross-promotional activity with the Dr. Oz Show in order to offer all participants three Farm Cash, absolutely free.

Don't worry - this activity has nothing to do with self-discovery or embarrassing health issues; it's simply a poll that you can answer in absolutely any way you'd like to receive your free Cash. This promotion, like all others, can be found underneath the FarmVille gameplay area, at the bottom right (usually, depending on your broswer). You'll see a preview for Dr. Oz's show, and will be able to answer three questions about what you do to stay healthy, and what sorts of topics you'd like to learn more about. Again, it doesn't matter which way you answer these three poll questions, so just blow through them to get to the end.

At the end, you're asked to click on a link to send Dr. Oz a question (technically, the button sends you to his website), but don't click on it! I mean, I suppose you can, if you're genuinely interested in the content, but for the sake of our promotion, all of your work here is done (you'll know it when you see the "You've earned your Farm Cash" text in the top right corner of the activity window.

When you close the window, you should automatically receive your free three Farm Cash, but if not, just refresh the game and that should set things right. We'll make sure to let you know when additional Farm Cash activities launch, so keep checking back with us!

Have you found this Dr. Oz promotion in your FarmVille game yet?

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