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Thursday, October 20, 2011

My opinion on crysis 2(360)

Lets get the graphics out of the way first, they are stunning and without doubt the best I have seen on the 360. What I love about the graphics is the realism, everything has been designed with that in mind I feel. Objects as little as a can of pop on the floor look really detailed. The lighting is beautiful and some of the best iv'e seen in a game with an honorable mention going to Alan wake and Killzone 2.

The gameplay is where this game stands out for me, its not just go here do that and then do this. You have options, do you go to the rooftops and snipe or go for a brute force attack on the ground or use the stealth option. The list is almost endless. Its a good mix of shooting, strategy and fun. The vehicle combat is well implemented and doesn't detract from the pacing of the game. Theres a good selection of weapons which are customizable on the move which is great for the strategist's out there because each new encounter with the enemy requires a different approach which of course you choose. When you do finally run into the alien's strategy really comes into play, especially in the later levels when they are tougher and more varied. The shear size of the battle areas gives you plenty of options while still remaining simple for those who want it to be.

The sound is amazing, I really love the echo effect after you fire off rounds with the mounted machine gun's. the music is up there with the best, it fits in with the game perfectly and doesn't overpower the other sound effects. The voice acting is also very good right down to the soldiers with a couple of words to say. The story is not the greatest ever written but it keeps you hooked untill the very end with some suprises and twists to keep you guessing.

The games not perfect though, there are some bugs. I had one where a level loaded and I couldn't access my gun so I had to reload from the checkpoint. Iv'e also seen enemy's run through walls, stand and face the wall, look at me and do nothing and I had one headless alien still walking around and firing at random things. These are minor problems which are few and far between and don't ruin the game.

Overall I think crysis 2 is a stunning peice of work by crytek and everyone no matter which system you own should play this game. I'm now on my second run through on super soldier difficulty and it really hard but i'm looking forward to playing through the campaign again. I'm going to try and find some collectables and try and get the donut achievment. Happy gaming.

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